What Should You Do After a Pedestrian Accident?

Accidents are an unavoidable part of life. However, if you or someone close to you is involved in an accident, it’s critical to know what to do next. This post will concentrate on pedestrian accidents, although many of the same ideas apply to other kinds of accidents as well.

Pedestrian Accidents: A Growing Issue

According to the NHTSA’s annual data, pedestrian accidents kill approximately 4,700 individuals and injure 66,000.

While there are several causes for these potentially catastrophic pedestrian-related incidents, the following are some of the most typical reasons why the accidents are fatal:

  • Pedestrians who do not walk in non-driving zones

  • Choosing to walk at night when it is dark and challenging to see instead of during the day

  • Hazardous weather situations

  • Age might be a factor; smaller children and elderly individuals are more vulnerable.

  • Being under the influence of illicit or alcoholic substances

Pedestrian accidents are a significant issue, as shown by the following statistics:

  • Pedestrians account for about 14% of all road fatalities in the United States.

  • Drunk driving accounts for almost half of all pedestrian deaths in car incidents.

  • One-fifth of all pedestrian accidents are hit-and-runs.

  • Approximately 75% of pedestrian-involved incidents that end in deaths occur at night.

  • A car strikes someone at a crosswalk or intersection in around 20% of all pedestrian deaths.

  • Most pedestrian accidents occur in cities or densely populated regions (especially those without automated crosswalks and sidewalks).

  • A car moving at 40 miles per hour or fewer is responsible for almost half of all pedestrian fatalities.

  • One-quarter of pedestrians struck by vehicles traveling at 25 mph or slower will sustain serious injuries.

Who Is Liable When A Car Hits A Pedestrian?

The driver is usually liable for the accident when a car hits a pedestrian. When pedestrians and cars use the road, they must exercise reasonable care. This involves alerting and scanning for other cars and people crossing the street, particularly near a crosswalk. When a motorist is behind the wheel, they must also be alert when driving near youngsters since they may not understand all traffic regulations. Pedestrians have a duty of care to double-check that they look both ways before entering the street and to use crosswalks correctly.

In most circumstances, if you are struck by a vehicle while walking, the driver’s insurance will pay your hospital expenses and other expenditures. If you were not driving at the time of the collision, your car insurance coverage should cover vehicle damage.

But remember that everything depends on the sort of insurance you have and who is judged to be to blame for the accident. You may get no-fault insurance or traditional fault-based coverage, but both restrictions vary. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to consult a personal injury lawyer before filing an insurance claim.

To prevent accidents, drivers and pedestrians must be constantly aware of their surroundings. In certain situations, a pedestrian leaping into the roadway without looking may be just as liable for an accident as a distracted motorist.

Pedestrian Accident: What to Do

What you do following a pedestrian accident might significantly influence your long-term rehabilitation. Continue reading to find out what measures to take to protect yourself and collect the money you deserve.

Maintain your calm and evaluate your injuries.

While this might be painful, it is a necessary step in determining whether or not you have been injured and in helping you take note of the accident location.

The first thing to do after an accident is to look for injuries. If you are injured, determine if your ailment stops you from moving. If you feel you have a severe injury, it is best not to move unless essential. Move to the sidewalk or a grassy place away from traffic. If your injuries prevent you from moving, stop immediately and urge a bystander to contact you for assistance so emergency services may arrive as quickly as possible.

Notify law enforcement immediately.

Whatever your condition is after an accident, you must call the police so that an official report may be filed. Emergency services will often be alerted of the accident and dispatch someone to assist you with any injuries or suffering you may have experienced. Unfortunately, since shock numbs the pain, many individuals may not know they are hurt until the adrenaline wears off. Therefore, it is vital to have a medical expert examine you.

Obtain the other person’s contact information.

Whether or whether you are harmed in a collision, each participant involved should stay at the site. Get everyone’s name and contact information since it will come in handy later. All parties should remain at the site of the collision to talk with law police when they arrive.

While speaking with the motorist who struck you is required, there is no need to debate blame. Furthermore, never apologize since it may seem that you were at fault. Instead, maintain a pleasant yet professional demeanor.

Even if you didn’t plan to, admitting blame after being struck by an automobile might backfire. If your case gets to court, even stating, “It’s OK” or “I could have been at fault as well” might be used against you.

Collect accident evidence.

Following a pedestrian collision, gathering as much evidence as possible is critical. This includes photographing the accident site, where you were struck by the car, and any speed signs or other signage that might be used as evidence if your case goes to court. It’s also a good idea to acquire the names and contact information of everyone who observed what occurred so that your attorney may contact them later and get their testimony or have them testify on your side if required.

If you were struck by a car, do not discard or wash any of your clothes. These may be used to demonstrate how you were hit and the degree of your injuries. It’s also critical to saving anything that might be used as evidence, such as a phone or other damaged item in the crash.

Try to videotape yourself or take written notes as quickly as possible after the disaster, recording all you remember about the event’s lead-up, during, and aftermath. Doing this right away is critical since your recollection may need to be clarified later. Be detailed in your recounting of events since even minor details may become crucial later in legal procedures.

Have medical professionals examine you.

In most cases, an emergency vehicle will be summoned to the collision scene. As a result, you will be inspected as soon as feasible. If this does not occur, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Ensure that your doctor properly checks you for any bruises, scratches, signs of shock or other ailments from the event. This is vital evidence that will assist you in winning a personal injury claim.

Talk with insurance companies.

If the driver who struck you did not have insurance, the losses might be covered by your uninsured motorist coverage. The insurance adjuster will interrogate you about what occurred. Always be honest when answering inquiries about the accident, but never discuss who was to blame. Without first speaking with a lawyer, do not commit to a settlement or make any recorded comments.

Organize everything involving your case.

Being prepared is critical to obtaining the best possible outcome for your case. Create a file including all accident-related paperwork, including:

Police report: A police report is essential evidence in a personal injury lawsuit. The report will contain the following:

  • The investigating officer’s judgment on who was responsible.

  • A graphic portrayal of the accident.

  • Comments from witnesses.

  • Tickets issued.

Witnesses’ statements: Witness accounts, whether obtained via your research or through the police report, are critical in determining who is at blame.

Drivers’ statements: Make a note of anything the driver says, mainly if it’s an admission of guilt.

Medical expenses and records: Your medical records, including your emergency department visit, are critical evidence. Copies of your medical bills might be used to substantiate your injuries and expenditures.

Income Loss: Collect information from your workplace to demonstrate how much time you lost due to your injury.

Clothing: Maintain the clothes you wore during the accident as evidence in your case, and keep them in the same condition (do not wash them)

Get the Representation and Compensation You Are Entitled To

If you or a family member has been injured in a pedestrian accident, you should seek compensation from the person who was at fault. Horton Law’s skilled lawyers work relentlessly to develop a case that puts you in the best possible position. Call Horton Law now at 888-822-6011 or fill out our online contact form.